Your teeth are an extremely important part of your body, as they aid in digestion, nutrition, and making connections with other people through smiles. There are multiple parts that make up your teeth including your tooth enamel, dentin, cementum, and pulp tissue. Taking care of your tooth enamel is a crucial part of maintaining your tooth health and overall well-being. Continue reading to learn more about tooth enamel and tips for improving your oral health.
What Is Tooth Enamel?
Firstly, it is important to understand what tooth enamel is in order to be able to properly care for it. Your tooth enamel is the outermost layer of a tooth that acts as a protective coating for the tooth. Tooth enamel is invisible to the eye. The dentin, which is the tissue beneath the enamel is what gives your teeth their color. Tooth enamel is crucial in protecting your teeth from damage. Enamel protects your teeth when you are chewing and drinking.
What Happens If Enamel Wears Down?
Over time, enamel can begin to be worn down due to eating or drinking foods and drinks. When tooth enamel is damaged or gets worn down, your teeth become much more susceptible to damage including cavities and decay. If cavities are left untreated, they can grow and eventually turn into abscesses or holes in your teeth. It is important to support tooth enamel in order to keep your smile in the best possible condition.
What Does Worn Enamel Look Like?
Being able to spot when your teeth are beginning to get worn down is important for making sure that you get the proper dental care when it is needed. A good indication that your enamel is beginning to erode is that your teeth are becoming a gray or yellow-ish color. You might notice that the shape of your teeth is also changing becoming rounded or ridged. If you notice any of these signs, it might be a good time to schedule an appointment with your dentist.
Can Tooth Enamel Be Restored?
Once your enamel has been harmed, it cannot be completely brought back. However, when enamel has been weakened, there are certain actions that can be taken to improve your teeth’s integrity. By using tooth strengthening toothpastes and mouthwashes, drinking water after eating, and seeing your dentist regularly, you will be able to restore your tooth enamel to some extent. Fluoride treatments at the dentist and fluoride toothpastes are also a good choice for maintaining tooth enamel.
How To Protect Your Tooth Enamel
Strengthening and protecting your enamel is an extremely important part of maintaining your oral health. The best way to protect your tooth enamel is to avoid sugary and acidic foods. Obviously, treats are okay in moderation, but it is important to focus on eating foods that are good for your teeth including fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. It is also important to learn how to brush your teeth properly so that you do not overbrush and wear down your enamel. Keep up your dental appointments and you will be golden.
Are You In Need Of Oral Health Services?
If you are in need of dental services, we at Hendersonville Family Dental offer complete dental service options to all of our clients. We have several experienced and knowledgeable dental assistants and dentists on our team that can help you with any and all of your oral health needs. Helping our clients obtain a clean, healthy, and happy smile is our highest priority. If you are in need of convenient and effective oral health services, feel free to reach out to us at Hendersonville Family Dental. Contact us today for more information.